Our apprenticeship program is something we’re extremely proud of. It gives individuals the opportunity to build a career and grow with us as we fine-tune our local barbershop business.

Here are some key facts to know about how our apprenticeship program works.

A Mix of Classroom and Work Time

During the apprenticeship program, the enrolled person will be doing four hours a week of classwork. They’ll also be completing 32 hours a week of paid work. This is designed to allow someone to keep making a living and paying bills as they pursue their certification and eventual professional licensure. That’s a big deal in today’s economy because most people don’t have the luxury of quitting work, taking out student loans and just going to school in the middle of an economic recession. We are happy to help our apprentices to put together a workable long-term plan that is supportable even in rougher times.

Prep for State Board Exam

The apprenticeship program is adequate preparation for the state board exam, after which the test-taker can gain a license as a barber or cosmetologist. This is a valuable credential in the industry that will allow for all kinds of open doors for people who have a passion for barbering and cosmetology. We know how to pass the state board exam – the types of things that licensed professionals must know, and how to put together a “lab” hands-on setup that will support students as they move toward successful licensure.

Earning Potential

What can successful apprentices hope to earn after they’re done with the program?

We estimate that many of our graduates earn between $60,000 and $80,000 a year. That’s nothing to sneeze at in an economy where housing and health healthcare costs easily outstrip the earnings of somebody making between say $24,000 and $35,000 a year. By contrast, with the kind of earnings that you can project from this program, the kinds of financial stability that many Americans pursue, like homeownership and lower levels of personal debt, are well within reach.

Get a five-star educational experience from a company dedicated to helping others to succeed. Check out our business and our salons in Fontana and Rialto to see firsthand how we have built a thriving business in these local communities. It’s all part of showing the value of what you love to your customers and creating a welcoming place for people to come to safely get the services they need.