Grooming means more than taking care of your skin and your facial hair. It’s essential to have a hair care routine that keeps your hair healthy and looking stylish. It isn’t just the strands on your head that need attention. Your scalp does too. So, we have a few hair care tips for you to revitalize your routine and give you the best hair day possible.

Choose The Right Product

First, let’s talk about the product you are putting on your hair. When it comes to shampoo, it’s ideal to choose one that is organic and natural. You don’t want your shampoo to contain any dangerous chemicals, because that will damage your hair and scalp. Even if your hair is really short, you still don’t want to get the cheapest shampoo from the drug store. Choose one that is right for your hair and scalp. You’ll want to keep in mind the type of scalp you have (dry, oily, or normal) and the type of hair you have. If you need recommendations, ask your stylist.

Before And After Hair Washing Tips

Once you’ve chosen the right product, you want to use it properly. Don’t fall into the habit of washing your hair every day. You’ll keep your hair healthiest by limiting how much you wash it. Consider washing your hair only a few days a week In addition, always condition your hair after you’ve washed it because that helps maintain the health of your hair and scalp and limit any damage.

After you’ve washed your hair, you have the habit of rubbing your hair vigorously with a towel afterward. Don’t do that. Instead, blot your hair dry with a towel, which is helpful to do no matter your hair type. Being too rough with your hair can decrease volume and make your hair too frizzy. 

Getting Your Hair Cut

Keeping regular haircuts is one of the best ways to have a good hair day. Stylists recommend getting a haircut every 4 – 6 weeks. It’s not only your hair you are taking care of, but it’s also about keeping your head neat looking, such as getting rid of excess neck hair. When do you get your hair cut, be clear about the style you want. If you aren’t sure, make sure you ask them for advice, but even then, set clear guidelines about your hair cut expectations.

With these tips in mind, you are giving yourself the best chance of having great hair days. Keeping your hair and scalp healthy should be part of your grooming routine. Contact Five Star Barber for your next haircut as well as any other of our premium services.