Today, beard grooming has never been easier. While it is smart to let your barber trim and manicure it from time to time, there are some self-care tips you need to keep in mind to ensure your beard looks full and amazing. Ready to dive in? If so, learn about the top beard care tips for men here.

Patience is a Virtue

If you want to have a truly epic beard, self-restraint is a must. When it first starts to grow, you should resist the urge to style or trim it right away. Instead, leave it along for the initial four to six weeks of growth. This is going to let the hairs grow in evenly (remember, some hairs grow faster than others). It will also help you choose a style that best suits the thickness and length you have.

Your Beard and Face Shape Should Match

Just like any wild animal, your beard needs to be in-tune with the surrounding environment. You have to find a style that will complement the shape of your face. Sometimes, you will need the skilled advice of a barber to figure out what this style is. By finding the right style, both you and your beard will look better.

Know When and How to Trim Your Beard

Pruning your beard often is a must. This is true even if you plan on growing it longer. Be sure to buy a quality trimmer to keep on hand and use between visits to your barber.

Wash Your Beard Often

This is very important in the early stages of growth. You may have trapped skin cells and food in the hair that can cause it to itch. It isn’t just about the hair, but the skin that is under the hair, too. Washing and conditioning your beard should be a daily case of your care routine. It’s also smart to purchase a specialty beard cleaner. Just keep in mind that you should not be overzealous with the towel drying, as this can cause split ends and frizz.

Beard Oil Is Your Friend

While beard oil can be tricky, it can also work wonders for your beard. To find the right oil for you, it is often a process of trial and error. You will likely run across some that are too shiny, some that are too heavy, and others that feel dry. You will know when you have found the one you like. Be sure to keep plenty on hand so you don’t run out.

Go to Your Barber

It is essential to visit your barber regularly for beard care. They can help to trim and shape your beard and keep it healthy and looking great. Remember, beard care and maintenance isn’t a one-time thing. It is something that requires ongoing care to ensure that it continues to grow and look great. Knowing what steps to take is the best way to grow and keep an epic beard.